Thursday, March 18, 2010
An introduction to our blog probably starts with an introduction to me. I'm Steve Dodd - Production Designer at the Beach Advanced Audio.
Impressive name, huh? Er.. no not "Steve" but "Production Designer". We kicked around the names "Global Networking Idea Creation Specialist" and "Multimedia Client Liaison Relations Manager" but they wouldn't fit on a card, plus I'm pretty sure those names would legally allow me to own a laser gun, so "Production Designer" it is.

What do I do at the Beach? Well, because we have a small staff, I think an easier question to ask of our staff is "what do you NOT do?"
I am the Beach's creative department... meaning I get to combine my big mouth, my music abilities, enjoyment of people, some sales knowledge, and some recording engineering training to achieve what our clients need.

"What do our clients need" you ask? Good question.... we brand companies with an audio identity that they use for years... usually advertising. Radio. Internet. TV. Film.

I am also the in-house music guy for TV and movie music. I am also the "house band" for our clients who don't have one for their album project.

This blog will focus alot on what I'm up to, but not exclusively... The Beach Advanced Audio is a busy, crazy place where no day is like the last, so hopefully this blog won't have much to say about my favorite foods, Jennifer vs. Angelina, or Star Wars vs. Star Trek.

For the record, though: Lasagna, Jennifer, and Star Wars. There.... we got that out of the way.


ptoone said...

Nice post "Steve," looking forward to reading more. ;-)


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